The temperature is hovering around 36 degrees but still that is not deterring the mosquitoes from having a feast on us. May the heat is making them very (blood) thirsty.
A mosquito repellent is on through out the day. Plus, we apply mosquito repellent cream on out body. Then, we shroud us under a mosquito net. Still, we end up donating a few CCs of blood.
Oh yes, I forgot about the electric racket with which we can kill the parasites instantly by swiping at them. Today, I saw an instrument in that seems to offer the best solution to save us from mosquito stings.
It is a cordless bug zapper that is also rechargeable like the electric racket we have. Both function with the same concept of electrocuting the bugs.
The product is on sale for just $25. Actually there is a discount of $95 in it. That is a huge discount really!
I still do it the old way. I light a mosquito repellant, close the doors and go to the roof with doors closed. Half hours later mosquitos are baked and ready to die. They don't have energy to bite any more.
Old is Gold
I hear you about the mosquitoes. I don't think that there is anything that can ruin a great evening as the buzz and bite of the annoying little bugs. I've looked at a ton of solutions, and it was nice to hear about the solutions that other people have come up with. One thing I do recommend is checking out before you buy anything full price. They have great discount codes and discount vouchers for tons of online and offline shops so that you don't have to pay full price for any of the solutions you come up with.
Thank you Malcolm for the link. Want a review of your site?
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