To breathe clean air that is free from various polluting particles, you need not go to a secluded spot in a hill. You can enjoy fresh and clean air in the cozy comfort of your home itself by using an air filter.
Air is polluted even before it enters our homes. And it gets further contaminated by the dust, heat and grime of our home.
We may not realize the importance of breathing clean air as long as we are healthy. But the residual harmful effects of breathing polluted air will slowly surface at an advanced age.
Please read about this Air Wellness™ Power 5. I think it is an ideal solution for all of us.
I quote them:
"Nikken Power5 has all these features:
• Five-stage advanced filtration
• Ozone-free technology
• Negative-ion generator
• Particle sensor
• Remote control
• Low noise level
• Photocatalytic deodorizing
• Nanotechnology
• Energy-efficient technology
• Automatic fan control
• Automatic safety shutoff
• Easy filter replacement
• Filter replacement indicator
• Sleek, lightweight design
• Low-maintenance operation".