My sister-in-law met me at a height of over 10,000 feet in the
But she was shocked to see me wearing ordinary sandals even without socks. The weather was unpredictably hot during the day and even the night temperature didn’t go below 12 degrees.
At first sight, I was a bit piqued by her ugg shoes. I have never seen anyone wearing them. But my sister-in-law came from the
Oh yes, that too is a kind of shoe and can be bought online from jildor shoes.
We Indians or every woman for that matter wear women’s athletic shoes only in the mountains. We are used to athletic shoes probably because we have no knowledge about other kinds of shoes.
My sister-in-law urged me to look upon jildorshoes.com at least to know about different footwear for women. “Jildor shoes” has been in women’s footwear business for the sixty years.