Such an obedient robotic toys is Takaratomy Yomel that it goes to sleep when its owner sleeps and it wakes up its owner when it is time.
It sings to the owner at times when being taken care of. This wonder toy from Japan, (who else can make it) recognizes various patterns of its owner's movements.
This toy is called 'Healing Partner'. What an apt name! I always used to be amazed the talent the Japanese have at naming the toys, events, cars and so on. It seems they spend days, hire people, spend a lot of money to get the best name for their innovation.
The Japan-based Tomy is the world's leading manufacturer in toys.
trust the japanese to come up with this - how long before their products become self-aware?!?! terminator is around the corner...
This is slightly eerie. Who needs friends now. We can just hang out with our robotic dolls and twit away.
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